Este 28 de junio no es un 28 de junio cualquiera. Este año se cumplen nada más y nada menos que 50 años de los disturbios de Stonewall. Algunos sabréis perfectamente de lo que estoy hablando, a otros os sonará de algo y otros pensaréis, ¿Stone... qué?
Next 28th of June won't be a regular 28th of June. This is the year in which the Stonewall riots reach their 50th anniversary. Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about; some others might have a clue, and the rest are thinking, Stone... what?
Next 28th of June won't be a regular 28th of June. This is the year in which the Stonewall riots reach their 50th anniversary. Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about; some others might have a clue, and the rest are thinking, Stone... what?
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Desfile de Celebración del Día de la Libertad Gay y Lesbiana de San Francisco. Junio de 1989.
San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Celebration padade. June 1989.
La década de los 60 en Estados Unidos fueron unos años complicados y de mucha tensión. El movimiento afroamericano por los derechos civiles, el movimiento hippie, manifestaciones contra la guerra de Vietnam... y a esto hay que sumarla la persecución indiscriminada que se hacía de gays y lesbianas.
The 60s in the United States were difficult years indeed and full of tension. The African-American movement for the civil rights, also the hippie movement, riots against the Vietnam war... to all of that we have to add the indiscriminate persecution of gays and lesbians.
The 60s in the United States were difficult years indeed and full of tension. The African-American movement for the civil rights, also the hippie movement, riots against the Vietnam war... to all of that we have to add the indiscriminate persecution of gays and lesbians.
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Movimiento afroamericano por los Derechos Civiles. Desfile en Washington. 1963.
Afro-Aamerican Civil Rights movement. March on Washington. 1963.
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Pocos locales había por aquel entonces que decidieran admitir a personas que fueran abiertamente homosexuales, y aquellos locales que sí lo hacían eran por norma general bares y muchas veces sus dueños tampoco eran gays.
There weren't many establishments in the mood to admit people who were openly homosexual. Those that did were in many cases bars and, also in many cases, the owners weren't gays.
El Stonewall Inn era (y es) un bar situado en el barrio de Greenwich Village, en Nueva York. Por aquel entonces, el local pertenecía a la mafia. Aunque la clientela era bastante variada, era muy popular entre los sectores más marginados del propio colectivo gay (transexuales, chicos muy afeminados, chaperos y drag queens en su mayoría). En una década en las que las redadas policiales estaban a la orden del día, la del 28 de junio de 1969 en este mismo establecimiento se les escapó un poquito de las manos. Fue tal el escándalo que se montó y la cantidad de gente que acudió a revelarse, que las protestas se sucedieron en los días posteriores y en unas semanas ya se habían fundado varios grupos activistas en pro de más lugares en los que gays y lesbianas pudieran reunirse sin miedo a ocultar su orientación sexual.
The Stonewall Inn was (and still is) a bar located in the neighborhood known as Greenwich Village, in New York. Back then, this bar was property of the mafia. Though the clients were a mix of everything, it was very popular among the most marginalized sectors of the very own gay collective (transexuals, very effeminate boys, male prostitutes and drag queens above all). Even though at that time the raids qere something very usual, the one that happened at Stonewall Inn on June 28th of 1969 was a pretty much more intense than police expected. Hundreds of people ended up reunited in front of the bar fighting for their rights, and the impact was so huge, that the riots continued for the next days. After some weeks, several activist groups were founded with the aim of creating more safe places for those gays and lesbians to get together without the fear of expressing their sexual orientation.
The Stonewall Inn was (and still is) a bar located in the neighborhood known as Greenwich Village, in New York. Back then, this bar was property of the mafia. Though the clients were a mix of everything, it was very popular among the most marginalized sectors of the very own gay collective (transexuals, very effeminate boys, male prostitutes and drag queens above all). Even though at that time the raids qere something very usual, the one that happened at Stonewall Inn on June 28th of 1969 was a pretty much more intense than police expected. Hundreds of people ended up reunited in front of the bar fighting for their rights, and the impact was so huge, that the riots continued for the next days. After some weeks, several activist groups were founded with the aim of creating more safe places for those gays and lesbians to get together without the fear of expressing their sexual orientation.
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El 28 de junio de 1970, Nueva York y Los Ángeles celebraron las primeras marchas del Orgullo Gay para conmemorar los Disturbios de Stonewall.
On 28th June of 1970, New York and Los Angeles celebrated the first Pride Parades in order to conmemorate the Stonewall riots.
On 28th June of 1970, New York and Los Angeles celebrated the first Pride Parades in order to conmemorate the Stonewall riots.
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Hoy en día, la homosexualidad todavía se castiga en más de 70 países, y en 11 de años incluso con penas de muerte. Todavía hay muchos ignorantes que se atreven a preguntar por qué no existe un Día del Orgullo Heterosexual. Los heterosexuales tendrán su propio día cuando se les empiece a perseguir; a encarcelar; a torturar e incluso matar; cuando se les niegue el derecho a casarse o formar una familia; cuando les insulten por la calle por darse la mano o besarse con alguien del sexo opuesto...
Nowadays, homosexuality is still punished in more than 70 countries, and in 11 of them even with the death penalty. There're many ignorants who still dare to ask why there's not a Straight Pride. Well, straight people will have their own day when they begin to be persecuted; imprisoned; tortured and killed; when their rights to get married or create a family be denied; when they get insulted in the street for showing any sign of affection with someone of the opposite sex...
Nowadays, homosexuality is still punished in more than 70 countries, and in 11 of them even with the death penalty. There're many ignorants who still dare to ask why there's not a Straight Pride. Well, straight people will have their own day when they begin to be persecuted; imprisoned; tortured and killed; when their rights to get married or create a family be denied; when they get insulted in the street for showing any sign of affection with someone of the opposite sex...
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Todavía queda mucho por hacer, mucho camino por recorrer y mucho por lo que luchar, pero lo importante es hacerlo juntos. Y no hace falta ser parte del colectivo para luchar por ello, al igual que no hace falta haber padecido una enfermedad para empatizar con la causa. Estamos hablando de PERSONAS. Todos tenemos el mismo derecho a ser felices y a vivir nuestra vida como nos dé la gana.
There's still a lot to do; the path is very long and the fight isn't over yet, but the important thing is being together. And there's no need to be part of the LBTQ community to fight for it, in the same way that it isn't necessary to have suffered from any diesease in order to empathize with the cause. This is PEOPLE we are talking about. We all have the same right to be happy and to live our life the way we want to.
There's still a lot to do; the path is very long and the fight isn't over yet, but the important thing is being together. And there's no need to be part of the LBTQ community to fight for it, in the same way that it isn't necessary to have suffered from any diesease in order to empathize with the cause. This is PEOPLE we are talking about. We all have the same right to be happy and to live our life the way we want to.
Instagram: alberto.monteagudo
Twitter: @A_Monteagudo
Facebook: a RIDE through FASHION
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