Siguen las colaboraciones entre artistas y marcas de moda. Si hace unos días os hablaba de la colección que la cantante Rosalía ha hecho con Pull&Bear, hoy os hablo de otra artista que lo está petando a nivel mundial, Cardi B, y de la colección que ha sacado junto a Fashion Nova. Pero tanto si no conoces a Cardi B (que ya me extrañaría, aunque cuando te diga canciones suyas sabrás de sobra quién es) como a Fashion Nova, a continuación te lo cuento todo sobre ellas y, por supuesto, también sobre la colección.
Collabs between celebrities and fashion brands are a must. A few days ago I brought to the blog the collection that singer Rosalía has launched together with Pull&Bear, today I wanna talk about other artist that's huge all around the globe. I'm talking about Cardi B, and her collection for Fashion Nova. But, in case you still don't know Cardi B (which would be so rare, anyway whenever you watch the videos below you'll know who she is) or Fashion Nova, here's everything you have to know about them, and about their collab.
Collabs between celebrities and fashion brands are a must. A few days ago I brought to the blog the collection that singer Rosalía has launched together with Pull&Bear, today I wanna talk about other artist that's huge all around the globe. I'm talking about Cardi B, and her collection for Fashion Nova. But, in case you still don't know Cardi B (which would be so rare, anyway whenever you watch the videos below you'll know who she is) or Fashion Nova, here's everything you have to know about them, and about their collab.
El pasado de Cardi B no ha sido fácil. Belcalis Almánzar, su nombre real (de pequeña le llamaban Bacardi, de ahí su nombre artístico) se crió en El Bronx (con esto ya os digo bastante). Después de una infancia y una adolescencia bastante duras, a los 19 años empezó a trabajar de estríper, llegando a someterse a diversas operaciones de cirugía. Pero todo eso ha quedado atrás. En 2013 empezó a hacerse bastante conocida a través de redes sociales como Vine e Instagram, y en 2015 participó en la sexta temporada de Love & Hip-Hop: New York, y ese ha sido su trampolín. A día de hoy, es la segunda rapera en conseguir un número 1 como solista en la lista Billboard Hot 100 después de lanzar Bodak Yellow en 2017. Este año sacó su primer álbum Invasion of Privacy, y a día de hoy ha colaborado con artistas como Bruno Mars, Maroon 5, J Balvin, Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny y Ozuna. En cuanto a su vida personal, digamos que es una artista que da bastante de qué hablar, pero eso se lo dejo a otros. Si aún no sabes de quién te hablo, échale un vistazo a los siguientes vídeos:
Cardi B's past hasn't been easy at all. Belcalis Almánzar, that's her real name (people used to call her Bacardi when she was a child, that's where the name Cardi B comes from) was born and raised in The Bronx (this says pretty much, don't you think). She had a tough childhood and adolescence, and when she was 19, she started working as a stripper, also going through several plastic surgeries in order to get more tips. But this is the past. In 2013 she started gaining popularity in social networks such as Vine and Instagram. But the starting point of her career was in 2015 when she participated in the sixth season of Love & Hip-Hop. New York. Nowadays, she's the second solo female rapper who has achieved a number 1 at the Billboard Hot 100, with her song Bodak Yellow (2017). Her debut album was launched this year and it's called Invasion of Privacy. Musically speaking, she's collaborated with artists such as Bruno Mars, Maroon 5, J Balvin, Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny and Ozuna, among others. In terms of her personal life, let's say that she has some issues with some other artists, but I refuse to talk about that. If you still don't know who I'm talking about, take a look to the following music videos:
Cardi B's past hasn't been easy at all. Belcalis Almánzar, that's her real name (people used to call her Bacardi when she was a child, that's where the name Cardi B comes from) was born and raised in The Bronx (this says pretty much, don't you think). She had a tough childhood and adolescence, and when she was 19, she started working as a stripper, also going through several plastic surgeries in order to get more tips. But this is the past. In 2013 she started gaining popularity in social networks such as Vine and Instagram. But the starting point of her career was in 2015 when she participated in the sixth season of Love & Hip-Hop. New York. Nowadays, she's the second solo female rapper who has achieved a number 1 at the Billboard Hot 100, with her song Bodak Yellow (2017). Her debut album was launched this year and it's called Invasion of Privacy. Musically speaking, she's collaborated with artists such as Bruno Mars, Maroon 5, J Balvin, Selena Gomez, Bad Bunny and Ozuna, among others. In terms of her personal life, let's say that she has some issues with some other artists, but I refuse to talk about that. If you still don't know who I'm talking about, take a look to the following music videos:
Por otro lado, Fashion Nova es una tienda online de ropa a precios low cost. Aunque también tienen ropa masculina, su mayor target es el público femenino. Según Fashion Nova, las mujeres que llevan su ropa son mujeres aventureras y con carácter, orgullosas de cómo son tanto por dentro como por fuera. En Fashion Nova han sido muy inteligentes, ya que en solo tres años han conseguido ser una de las firmas de moda con más menciones en las redes sociales. ¿Cómo lo han conseguido? Muy fácil, copian los outfits que lucen las famosas y vendiéndolos a precios aptos para todos los bolsillos. Esto, añadido al arsenal de bloggers e influencers con los que han contactado para que los mencionaran, han hecho de Fashion Nova una firma con casi 14 millones de seguidores en Instagram. Para que os hagáis una idea, tanto el prototipo de mujer Fashion Nova como el de su estilo de ropa sería una Kardashian, una mujer poderosa, con curvas, y orgullosa de ellas. Sin duda, otro de los grandes aciertos de Fashion Nova, hacer que todas las mujeres, independientemente de su talla, pueden llevar su ropa, y que no hay nada más natural hoy en día que un selfie frente al espejo (porque no todos podemos permitirnos el llevarnos a un fotógrafo a todas partes).
On the other hand, Fashion Nova is an online shop with low cost prices. You'll finde both clothes for men and women, but her major target is the female audience. According to Fashion Nova, women who wear their clothes are adventurous and a little badass, and also proud of who they're are both outside and in the inside. Fashion Nova did things really well. In just three years, they've become in one of the fashion firms with more mentions on social networks. How did they achieve it? Quite easy, actually. They copy the outfits that celebrities usually wear and they sell them at a low cost price. Together with the fact that Fashion Nova used to a lot of bloggers and influencers to mention them on the Internet, nowadays this fashion firms has almost 14 million followers just on Instagram. To give you an idea, their target women and the style of Fashion Nova would be a Kardashian: powerful and curvy women, proud of their bodies. This has helped Fashion Nova as well: more sizes, more clients. And what's more natural nowadays that taking a selfie in front of the our mirror? (not everyone has a photographer of their own)
On the other hand, Fashion Nova is an online shop with low cost prices. You'll finde both clothes for men and women, but her major target is the female audience. According to Fashion Nova, women who wear their clothes are adventurous and a little badass, and also proud of who they're are both outside and in the inside. Fashion Nova did things really well. In just three years, they've become in one of the fashion firms with more mentions on social networks. How did they achieve it? Quite easy, actually. They copy the outfits that celebrities usually wear and they sell them at a low cost price. Together with the fact that Fashion Nova used to a lot of bloggers and influencers to mention them on the Internet, nowadays this fashion firms has almost 14 million followers just on Instagram. To give you an idea, their target women and the style of Fashion Nova would be a Kardashian: powerful and curvy women, proud of their bodies. This has helped Fashion Nova as well: more sizes, more clients. And what's more natural nowadays that taking a selfie in front of the our mirror? (not everyone has a photographer of their own)
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Pues bien, hoy 16 de noviembre, solo un día después de que la primera colección de Cardi B para Fashion Nova saliese a la venta, ya se han agotado todas las piezas de dicha colección. Un total de 80 piezas en las que destacan los colores bloque, sobre todo el negro, el azul y el burdeos, pero también el blanco, el rojo y el mostaza. Pantalones, faldas, vestidos, camisetas, abrigos... lo tienes todo para poder vestirte como Cardi B, pero pagando menos. Fashion Nova distribuyen a todo el mundo, y si se ha antojado alguna de las prendas de la colección, no te preocupes, ellos te avisan en cuando vuelva a estar disponible.
Well, the collection has been undoubtedly a huge success. It was launched yesterday and it's already sold out. The collection is formed by 80 pieces characterized by block colors, above all black, blue and burgundy, but also white, red and mustard. Trousers, skirts, dresses, tees, coats... everything you need to get dressed as Cardi B, but paying much less. Fashion Nova ships worldwide and, if you've fallen in love with some of the pieces of the collection, don't worry, they'll let you know as soon as the piece is available again.
Well, the collection has been undoubtedly a huge success. It was launched yesterday and it's already sold out. The collection is formed by 80 pieces characterized by block colors, above all black, blue and burgundy, but also white, red and mustard. Trousers, skirts, dresses, tees, coats... everything you need to get dressed as Cardi B, but paying much less. Fashion Nova ships worldwide and, if you've fallen in love with some of the pieces of the collection, don't worry, they'll let you know as soon as the piece is available again.
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En mi página de Facebook te dejo TODOS los looks de la colección, solo tienes que hacer click AQUÍ e irás directo. Y recuerda, si te gusta mi página, no olvides darle LIKE, o seguirme en cualquiera de mis redes sociales que, como siempre, os dejo al final de todo. ¡Gracias por leerme!
At my Facebook page you'll find EVERY look from the collection. Just click HERE and you'll go straight to them. And remember, if you like my page, don't forget to LIKE it, or you can also follow me at any of my social net work that, as usual, you'll find right below. Thanks for reading me!
Instagram: alberto.monteagudo
Twitter: @A_Monteagudo
Faebook: a RIDE through FASHION
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