27 abril 2016

Denim Day | Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Campaign

Hoy, 27 de abril, se celebra el Denim Day, pero lo curioso de este día no es el hecho de que haya que vestir prendas vaqueras, si no la historia que se esconde detrás de todo ello.

Todo empezó en 1992, en Roma, cuando un profesor de autoescuela de 45 años fue a darle su primera clase práctica a una alumna de 18 años. En lugar de conducir, el profesor violó a la chica durante una hora y amenazó con matarla si se lo contaba a alguien. La chica, a pesar de la amenaza, se lo contó a sus padres y denunciaron al profesor. En 1998 éste fue absuelto por el Tribunal Supremo italiano excusándose en el hecho de que la chica, en el momento de la violación, llevaba unos vaqueros tan ajustados, que el profesor no hubiera podido quitárselos de no haber sido ayudado por la chica y por lo tanto no habría violación, sino algo consensuado. Asqueroso, ¿verdad? Estas son algunas de las perlas que se soltaron durante la audiencia:

- "because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them... and by removing the jeans... it was no longer rape but consensual sex"

- "it is a fact of common experience that it is nearly impossible to slip off tight jeans even partly without the active collaboration of the person who is wearing them."

Cómo os podéis imaginar, después de esta decisión las protestas no se hicieron esperar. A las mujeres del Parlamento Italiano que protestaron bajo el lema 'Jeans: An Alibi for Rape' (Vaqueros: Una Coartada para Violar), les siguió el Senado y la Asamblea Estatal de California.

A día de hoy, en Estados Unidos son más de 20 estados los que celebran el Denim Day en abril, y en España ha empezado a tener visibilidad este año gracias a Guess Foundation, muy implicada en temas que involucran la violencia de género. Si queréis colaborar con esta causa, esta es la web oficial del Denim Day: denimdayinfo.org
También podéis seguirlos en sus redes sociales: Facebook, Twitter e Instagram

Today, April 27th, the Denim Day is taking place. Though, the most interesting thing about this day isn't the fact that you're encourage to wear jeans, but the story behind it.

It all began in 1992, in Roma, when a 45-year-old driving instructor took a 18-year-old girl for her first driving lesson. Instead of driving, he raped her for an hour and then he threatened her with killing her if she told it to anyone. The girls, despite the threat, told her parents and they took the instructor to court. In 1998, he was absolved by the Italian Supreme Court with the excuse that the girl, when she was raped, wore very tight jeans, So, the instructor couldn't have taken the jeans off without the help of the girl thus, instead of raping her, the girl agreed to have sex with him. Disgusting, isn't it? The following are some of the nice things that were said that day:

- "because the victim wore very, very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them... and by removing the jeans... it was no longer rape but consensual sex"

- "it is a fact of common experience that it is nearly impossible to slip off tight jeans even partly without the active collaboration of the person who is wearing them."

As you can imagine, after this decision, women began to protest. The women of the Italian Parliament, who protested with the slogan 'Jeans: An Alibi for Rape', were followed by the California Senate and Assembly.

Nowadays, there're more than 20 states in the U.S. which celebrate the Denim Day in April. It's begun to have some visibility in Spain this year thanks to Guess Foundation, which is deeply involved with causes related to gender violence. If you wish to collaborate with them, this is the official website: denimdayinfo.org
You can also follow them through their social networks: FacebookTwitter and Instagram

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