Hoy quiero hablaros de una firma joven pero con mucho carácter. CAMALEONI-K es el fruto del trabajo de Raquel Rodríguez, diseñadora y directora creativa de esta marca canaria. Ropa y complementos tanto para hombre como para mujer. Moda exclusiva y prendas individualizadas con una clara inspiración en el street style.

Después de varios años diseñando ropa para las artes escénicas y dirigiendo el Departamento de Indumentaria de un programa de televisión canario, en otoño del 2011 Raquel lanza su primera colección bajo el nombre de CAMALEONI-K, y desde entonces no ha dejado de luchar por seguir elaborando prendas muy personales que se ajusten a las necesidades individuales de los clientes. Para ello, su producción es prácticamente artesanal y local, evitando la elaboración de prendas en masa. Raquel y Viktor Berthelius, que se encarga de la gestión y el marketing de la marca, forman así el corazón de CAMALEONI-K. Aunque las principales tallas con las que la marca trabaja son la S, la M, la L y la XL, CAMALEONI-K se ajusta a las necesidades de los clientes y también realiza encargos vía online en tallas XS y XXL.
Este año, además, han estrenado página web (http://www.camaleoni-k.com) y no dejan de lloverles las buenas noticias. De hecho, hace nada han sido elegidos para representar a las Islas Canarias en los Premios Nacionales a la Moda para Nuevos Diseñadores 2015! (ENHORABUENA!!!) A pesar de todo, han sabido sacar algo de tiempo y han cedido encantados a responder unas cuantas preguntas!!
Os dejo con CAMALEONI-K, no sin antes anunciaros que el próximo post viene acompañado de sorteo. Si queréis ganar una pajarita Be Rebel, estad atentos a mi blog, a la página de Facebook y a mi Twitter, donde os explicaré qué hacer para entrar en el sorteo de una fantástica pajarita Be Rebel!!!
Os dejo con CAMALEONI-K, no sin antes anunciaros que el próximo post viene acompañado de sorteo. Si queréis ganar una pajarita Be Rebel, estad atentos a mi blog, a la página de Facebook y a mi Twitter, donde os explicaré qué hacer para entrar en el sorteo de una fantástica pajarita Be Rebel!!!
- Desde muy joven empezaste a trabajar en el mundo de la moda diseñando indumentaria para las artes escénicas y en la dirección del Departamento de Indumentaria para un programa de la televisión canaria. ¿En qué momento decidiste dar el salto y convertirte en diseñadora de tu propia marca?
Teníamos un proyecto de arte itinerante para dar visibilidad a artistas canarios de diferentes disciplinas en espacios alternativos a las salas de exposición habituales. En ese momento comencé a diseñar chaquetas con cremallera para chico y chica, camisas, vestidos... Cada vez gustaban más y decidí apostar por lo que siempre fue mi pasión, la moda. Aquí nació CAMALEONI-K.
- ¿Qué implica para vosotros el nombre de CAMALEONI-K? Desde esa primera colección en 2011, ¿qué dificultades os habéis encontrado, y os seguís encontrando, a la hora de haceros un hueco en el mundo de la moda?

Si resumimos todo lo anterior, para nosotros CAMALEONI-K es individuo. Hombre, mujer consciente de que está vivo, que transforma y se transforma.
Dificultades...Pues vivimos un momento histórico loco, constantemente nos bombardean noticias adversas...a esto se le suma la crisis... hay que tener un importante aguante para resistir la “tempestad”.
Aparte de esto, que no es poco, si nos quejamos de algo es del incremento que supone todo para la Comunidad Canaria. Producir desde Canarias dificulta que seas competitivo, cada material que compras a Península, aún estando dentro del mismo país, las autoridades canarias le imponen unos impuestos aduaneros que hacen que esa tempestad sea aún más extrema. Nosotros lo paliamos teniendo nuestro propio estudio y equipo de fotografía, nuestro propio equipo de gestión de web y redes, yo diseño, hago el patronaje y corte de las prendas. Esto nos permite introducirnos en el mercado. Pero no entendemos estas dificultades añadidas a un territorio al que de por sí se le considera periférico...
Dejando lamentaciones de lado, intentamos dar pequeños pasitos procurando ir siempre hacia delante. Intentamos aportar nuestro granito de arena pretendiendo dar una alternativa a la “moda para ovejas” que no respeta a nada ni a nadie, en donde lo único que prima son los intereses económicos. Antes de comprar una prenda, deberíamos pararnos y pensar cómo es posible que esa camiseta que estamos a punto de comprar, con ese grafismo tan chulo, cueste tan solo tres euros.
Nos encanta la moda como capricho, por el mero hecho de ser, sin embargo, estamos en el s.XXI y está claro que si pretendemos que nuestros hijos y nietos conozcan el planeta que tenemos, algo hay que hacer, algo hay que cambiar. Quizá recordando el pasado...encontremos el camino para llegar al futuro.
Pues antes de definir cada una de nuestras líneas hemos de decir que nuestra producción es local y que trabajamos de una manera exclusiva o de edición limitada.
La línea Be Unique está compuesta por prendas únicas y accesorios de edición limitada. Esta temporada la influencia procede del mundo del teatro, particularmente, del universo clown durante las décadas de los 40 y 50. Dedicada a la mujer podéis encontrar muchos topos, volantes, faldas de capa y una amplia gama de colores. Uno de los tejidos protagonistas es el poliéster, pues facilita el cuidado de las prendas, asegura que perduren en el tiempo y porque, atendiendo a los cambios climáticos que estamos padeciendo, se adapta bien a diferentes climatologías. En esta temporada para el hombre hemos introducido la pajarita.
La línea Be Rebel. Los procesos de teñido en los complementos y de estampación en las prendas, es artesanal, sin intervención mecánica, así conservamos el “Unique” pero dando la posibilidad de que si no viste a tiempo la sudadera o camiseta, aún la puedas conseguir, siempre asumiendo que no habrá ninguna exactamente igual a otra, pero sí muy similar.
Creemos en el individuo y sobre todo creemos en el individuo de espíritu joven, a quien no le cansa la vida tenga la edad que tenga, y que lucha día a día por lograr sus objetivos.
De algún modo, aunque una máxima en nuestra filosofía es el respeto a uno mismo y el respeto a los demás, sin olvidar esto, a veces hay que ser rebelde y no conformarse con lo establecido. Esta temporada Be Rebel se inspira en el trabajo del pintor norteamericano Jackson Pollock, pues la mayoría de nuestras estampaciones toman como punto de partida el dripping. A esto le hemos sumado la estrella de cinco puntas, la estrella de Leonardo Da Vinci que colocaba al hombre como medida de todas las cosas, en donde todo era un ciclo. Esta línea se compone de camisetas, sudaderas, chaquetas y complementos unisex, para hombre y para mujer.
- Decidiste dejar de estudiar Derecho y lanzarte a cumplir tu sueño de ser diseñadora y con CAMALEONI-K está claro que lo has conseguido. ¿Qué sueños te quedan por cumplir dentro del mundo de la moda?
Jejejej Pues acabo de empezar ;) Así que me queda muuuuucho por hacer :) Nos quedan muchos sueños por alcanzar. Pero estamos felices y agradecidos por el momento que estamos viviendo ahora y que nos impulsa a dar nuevos pequeños pasitos.
Pues acabamos de llegar de Madrid, de estar en MOMAD Metrópolis con un stand en la zona para marcas emergentes. Al cierre de esta feria le puso el broche de oro que desfilamos en el Ayre Gran Hotel Colón durante los Premios Nacionales a la moda de ANDE. Para nosotros fue una gran oportunidad y para mí, todo un honor conocer al gran Elio Berhanyer y a la presidenta de la Asociación Laura Victoria.
Acabamos de ser nominados para representar a las Islas Canarias en los Premios Nacionales a la Moda para Jóvenes Diseñadores 2015. Estamos muy felices ante esta nueva oportunidad. Aparte de esto, esperamos ir sumando poco a poco ;)
- Y ya para terminar, algo que queráis añadir para los seguidores de #aRIDEthroughFASHION y de Camaleoni-K?
Lo primero dar las gracias por esta magnífica entrevista, nos encanta tu blog y te deseamos muchos éxitos. Y para vuestros lectores gracias también, esperamos llegar pronto a vuestras casas ;)
Facebook: Camaleoni-K
Twitter: @Camaleoni_K
Youtube: Camaleonikfash
Instagram: camaleonicos
Pinterest: CAMALEONI-K
Behance: CamaleoniK
In this post I want you to know a young brand but a with a strong character. CAMALEONI-K is the result of Raquel Rodríguez's work, the designer and creative director of thie Canary brand. Clothes and accessories for both men and women. Exclusive and individualized fashion highly inspired by the street style.
After several years designing for the performing arts and managing the Clothing Department of a Canary TV program, Raquel launches her first collection in Fall 2011 as CAMALEONI-K. Since then, she hasn't stopped struggling with the purpose of elaborating very personal clothes that can fulfill the individual necessities of the customers. In order to achieve it, the production is basically handcrafted and local, avoiding the mass production. Raquel, together with Viktor Berthelius, who is in charge of the management and marketing of the brand, constitute the heart of CAMALEONI-K. Although the main sizes of the brand are the S, M, L and XL, CAMALEONI-K, as a chamaleon, adopts itself to the needs of the clients thus taking orders via online for the XS and XXL sizes.
Besides, this year they've released the web site (http://www.camaleoni-k.com) and the good news keep on arriving. In fact, they've just been chosen to represent the Canary Islands at the Premios Nacionales a la Moda para Nuevos Diseñadores 2015! (CONGRATS!!!) In spite of being that busy, they didn't hesitate to answer some questions for #aRIDEthroughFASHION!!
Before leaving you with CAMALEONI-K, I want to announce that the next post is accompanied by a raffle. If you wanna get a Be Rebel bow tie, keep tuned to my blog, to my Facebook page and to my Twitter account, where I'll explain all that you need to do to participate in the raffle to get a Be Rebel bow tie!!!
- Since a young age, you started working in the fashion designing clothes for the performing arts and directing the Clothing Department for a Canary TV program. When did you decide to take the important step of becoming the designer of your own brand?We had an itinerant project to give visibility to Canary artists from different disciplines in alternative spaces to the common exhibition centres. At that moment I started designing jackets with zips for both men and women, shirts, dresses... They had a very good acceptance so I encouraged myself to take the huge step of following my dream: fashion. It was at this point when CAMALEONI-K was born.
- What does the name CAMALEONI-K imply to you? Since that first collection in 2011, what sort of difficulties have you had to face, and I'm sure you still have to face some, in order to get a spot within the fashion world?CAMALEONI-K is the point where different ideas get to converge. One of them comes from the years where I used to design for the scenic arts, where interprets transform themselves and adopt the character they were given or they have chosen. Another idea is that, day by day, we have to face several situations, trying to get adjusted depending on the circumstances and the environment. This makes us interprets as well, chameleons within the great theatre of life. Finally, my biggest source of inspiration are the street styles, people that live within the same atmosphere, in the same period of time, with close influences and who struggle for showing uniqueness. They show their real "I" through the clothes they wear, giving thus information about their lifestyle. For me, they're the main characters of fashion. People with the ability of mixing styles and tendencies, brands, vintage clothes... Achieving a look that cool hunters from all around the world wish to capture with a photograph.
In a few words, CAMALEONI-K is, for us, the individual. A man, a woman who is conscious of being alive, who is able to transform and to get transformed.
Difficulties. Well, we live a crazy historical time, full of adverse news that keep coming. In addition to that, there's is also the crisis we all suffer. It is very important to have a great endurance to resist the storm.
Apart from this, if we should complain about something, that something is increase that everything suppose for the Canary Community. Producing from the Canary Islands is an impediment to be competitive. Every material that you buy to the Peninsula, even being part of the same country, the Canary authorities impose customs taxes that make this storm even more extreme. We try to palliate it by having our own study and photograph equipment; our own team to manage the web and networks; I design and do the patronage and cut the clothes... All these allow us to be in the market. Although, we don't understand those added difficulties to a territory considered to be already peripheral.
Leaving complains aside, we try to take little steps forward. We try to do our bit as an alternative to that "fashion for sheep" which doesn't respect anyone or anything, where the only important thing are the economic interests. Before buying a new clothe, we should think how is it possible that that t-shirt we are about to buy, with such a cool graphic, just costs 3 euros.
We love fashion as a craving, just for the mere fact of existing. Nevertheless, this is the XXI century. If we want our children and grandchildren to know the planet we have, something must be done. Something must be changed. Maybe, taking a look to the past we find the way to reach the future.
- How would you define Be Unique and Be Rebel?
Before defining these two lines, we have to say that our production is local and that we work in an exclusive way or with limited editions.
Be Unique is constituted by unique clothes and accessories of limited edition. This season, the influence comes from the theatre world, particularly from the clown universe of the 40s and 50s. With the woman as the protagonist, you can find a lot of spots, flounces, layer skirts and a wide range of colors. One of the main fabrics is the polyester, as it makes it easier to take a good care of the clothes, making them "live" longer and, due to the climate changes we are suffering, it is an appropriate fabric for different types of weather. For men, this season we've introduced the bow tie.
For the Be Rebel line, the dying processes of the accessories and the printing of the clothes is handcrafted, with no machine intervention, preserving the "Unique" but giving the chance of getting a T-shirt or hoodie that, despite being similar to the others, will never be equal.
We believe in the individual and, above all, in the individual with a young spirit, who is not tired about life in spite of his or her age, and who struggles day by day to achieve his/her goals.In some way, although one of our principles is the respect for oneself and the respect for the others, sometimes you need to be a little bit rebel and go against the established rules. This season, Be Rebel is inspired by the North-American painter Jackson Pollock, as most of our printings take as a starting point the dripping. We've also added the five-point star, Leonardo Da Vinci's star which placed the human being as a measure for everything, where everything was a cycle. This line is constituted by T-shirts, hoodies, jackets and unisex accessories, for both men and women.
- You decided to leave your Law studies and fulfill your dream of becoming a designer, and CAMALEONI-K is a living proof. What dreams would you like to achieve in fashion?Hehehe, I've just started :) so I still have a loooooot to do! So many dreams to achieve. But we are happy and grateful for this moment we live now and that encourages us to keep on taking little steps forward.
- I'm sure that seeing your designs and the result of a huge work at the Pasarela Profesional de Tenerife Moda this year have been such an amazing high. Is there any other show planned for the near future? We've just landed at Madrid. We've been at MOMAD Metropolis with a stand in the emergent brands area. As a closure, the icing on the cake was the show we gave at the Ayre Gran Hotel Colón during the National Awards to Fashion of ANDE. It was a great opportunity for us and such a great honor for me getting to know the great Elio Berhanyer and the president of the Laura Victoria Association.
We've just been nominated to represent the Canary Islands at the Natinal Awards to Fashion for Young Designers 2015. We're so happy for this amazing opportunity. And apart from this, we just hope to keep on adding goals little by little ;)
- Just to finish, is there anything you'd like to add for the followers of CAMALEONI-K and #aRIDEthroughFASHION?First of all, thanks a lot for this great interview, we love your blog and we wish you a lot of success. And the same for your followers. Thanks a lot! We hope to reach your places soon.
- What does the name CAMALEONI-K imply to you? Since that first collection in 2011, what sort of difficulties have you had to face, and I'm sure you still have to face some, in order to get a spot within the fashion world?CAMALEONI-K is the point where different ideas get to converge. One of them comes from the years where I used to design for the scenic arts, where interprets transform themselves and adopt the character they were given or they have chosen. Another idea is that, day by day, we have to face several situations, trying to get adjusted depending on the circumstances and the environment. This makes us interprets as well, chameleons within the great theatre of life. Finally, my biggest source of inspiration are the street styles, people that live within the same atmosphere, in the same period of time, with close influences and who struggle for showing uniqueness. They show their real "I" through the clothes they wear, giving thus information about their lifestyle. For me, they're the main characters of fashion. People with the ability of mixing styles and tendencies, brands, vintage clothes... Achieving a look that cool hunters from all around the world wish to capture with a photograph.
In a few words, CAMALEONI-K is, for us, the individual. A man, a woman who is conscious of being alive, who is able to transform and to get transformed.
Difficulties. Well, we live a crazy historical time, full of adverse news that keep coming. In addition to that, there's is also the crisis we all suffer. It is very important to have a great endurance to resist the storm.
Apart from this, if we should complain about something, that something is increase that everything suppose for the Canary Community. Producing from the Canary Islands is an impediment to be competitive. Every material that you buy to the Peninsula, even being part of the same country, the Canary authorities impose customs taxes that make this storm even more extreme. We try to palliate it by having our own study and photograph equipment; our own team to manage the web and networks; I design and do the patronage and cut the clothes... All these allow us to be in the market. Although, we don't understand those added difficulties to a territory considered to be already peripheral.
Leaving complains aside, we try to take little steps forward. We try to do our bit as an alternative to that "fashion for sheep" which doesn't respect anyone or anything, where the only important thing are the economic interests. Before buying a new clothe, we should think how is it possible that that t-shirt we are about to buy, with such a cool graphic, just costs 3 euros.
We love fashion as a craving, just for the mere fact of existing. Nevertheless, this is the XXI century. If we want our children and grandchildren to know the planet we have, something must be done. Something must be changed. Maybe, taking a look to the past we find the way to reach the future.
- How would you define Be Unique and Be Rebel?
Before defining these two lines, we have to say that our production is local and that we work in an exclusive way or with limited editions.
Be Unique is constituted by unique clothes and accessories of limited edition. This season, the influence comes from the theatre world, particularly from the clown universe of the 40s and 50s. With the woman as the protagonist, you can find a lot of spots, flounces, layer skirts and a wide range of colors. One of the main fabrics is the polyester, as it makes it easier to take a good care of the clothes, making them "live" longer and, due to the climate changes we are suffering, it is an appropriate fabric for different types of weather. For men, this season we've introduced the bow tie.
For the Be Rebel line, the dying processes of the accessories and the printing of the clothes is handcrafted, with no machine intervention, preserving the "Unique" but giving the chance of getting a T-shirt or hoodie that, despite being similar to the others, will never be equal.
We believe in the individual and, above all, in the individual with a young spirit, who is not tired about life in spite of his or her age, and who struggles day by day to achieve his/her goals.In some way, although one of our principles is the respect for oneself and the respect for the others, sometimes you need to be a little bit rebel and go against the established rules. This season, Be Rebel is inspired by the North-American painter Jackson Pollock, as most of our printings take as a starting point the dripping. We've also added the five-point star, Leonardo Da Vinci's star which placed the human being as a measure for everything, where everything was a cycle. This line is constituted by T-shirts, hoodies, jackets and unisex accessories, for both men and women.
- You decided to leave your Law studies and fulfill your dream of becoming a designer, and CAMALEONI-K is a living proof. What dreams would you like to achieve in fashion?Hehehe, I've just started :) so I still have a loooooot to do! So many dreams to achieve. But we are happy and grateful for this moment we live now and that encourages us to keep on taking little steps forward.
- I'm sure that seeing your designs and the result of a huge work at the Pasarela Profesional de Tenerife Moda this year have been such an amazing high. Is there any other show planned for the near future? We've just landed at Madrid. We've been at MOMAD Metropolis with a stand in the emergent brands area. As a closure, the icing on the cake was the show we gave at the Ayre Gran Hotel Colón during the National Awards to Fashion of ANDE. It was a great opportunity for us and such a great honor for me getting to know the great Elio Berhanyer and the president of the Laura Victoria Association.
We've just been nominated to represent the Canary Islands at the Natinal Awards to Fashion for Young Designers 2015. We're so happy for this amazing opportunity. And apart from this, we just hope to keep on adding goals little by little ;)
- Just to finish, is there anything you'd like to add for the followers of CAMALEONI-K and #aRIDEthroughFASHION?First of all, thanks a lot for this great interview, we love your blog and we wish you a lot of success. And the same for your followers. Thanks a lot! We hope to reach your places soon.
Facebook: Camaleoni-K
Twitter: @Camaleoni_K
Youtube: Camaleonikfash
Instagram: camaleonicos
Pinterest: CAMALEONI-K
Behance: CamaleoniK
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