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Lightning for Louis Vuitton SS '16 |
En el último post os acababa diciendo que me encanta el hecho de que el mundo de la moda se reinvente constantemente y nos sorprenda siempre con algo nuevo. Bueno, pues lo que os traigo en este post no se queda atrás.
¿Sabéis quién es la prota de una de las últimas campañas de Louis Vuitton? ¿Conocéis a Lightning, de Final Fantasy XIII? No hace falta que diga más, no? Os pongo un poco en antecedentes (todo esto me lo ha contado el señorito Ismael Álvarez, que es el que controla de videojuegos, sobre todo de Final Fantasy, que es uno de sus favoritos): pues resulta que Lightning apareció por primera vez en Final Fantasy XIII como la prota. Después apareció Final Fantasy XIII 2, cuya prota era la hermana de Lightning, ya que ésta estaba desaparecida. Finalmente lanzaron Final Fantasy XIII 3 (Lightning Returns), con esta señorita otra vez de prota. Todo un culebrón, eh!
Pues bien, Lightning ha pasado de luchar en Final Fantasy a ser la estrella de la campaña primavera-verano 2016 de la casa francesa Louis Vuitton. Si entráis en la web de LV podéis ver la sesión completa que le han hecho. Pero hay más, Lightning tiene hasta una entrevista! Así de natural se mostraba Lightning respondiendo para The Telegraph a cerca de cómo se había sentido al formar parte de un proyecto así: Lightning's Interview.
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Lightning for Louis Vuitton SS '16 |
Empezamos el 2016 on fire! ¿Nos tendrá Nicolas Ghesquière, director creativo de LV, alguna sorpresa más preparada para este año?
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Lightning for Louis Vuitton SS 2016 |
I ended up my latest post by telling you that I love the fact that fashion is constantly renewing itself and surprising us with something new. Well, this post is a very good example.
Do you know who's the protagonist of one of the latest Louis Vuitton campaigns? Do you know Lightning, from Final Fantasy XIII? Well, I think you already know what I'm talking about, right? The thing is (and all this info I'm going to tell you was provided by Ismael Álvarez, who's the one that know everything about video games and specially about Final Fantasy, which is one of its favorites): it turns out that that Lightning appeared for the first time in Final Fantasy XIII as the main character. After that, it came Final Fantasy XIII 2, in which the protagonist was Lightning's sister, as Lightning was missing. Finally, Final Fantasy XIII 3 (Lightning Returns) was launched, with Lightning again as the protagonist. What a soap opera!
So, Lightning went from fighting in Final Fantasy to be the star of the spring-summer 2016 campaign for the French house Louis Vuitton. If you get into LV website, you can see the complete photoshoot. But there's more, as Lightning was even interviewed! She seems very comfortable answering the questions to The Telegraph about how she felt by becoming part of this project: Lightning's Interview.
We've started 2016 on fire! Will Nicolas Ghesquière, creative director of LV, has more surprises for this year?
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Lightning for Louis Vuitton SS 2016 |
So, Lightning went from fighting in Final Fantasy to be the star of the spring-summer 2016 campaign for the French house Louis Vuitton. If you get into LV website, you can see the complete photoshoot. But there's more, as Lightning was even interviewed! She seems very comfortable answering the questions to The Telegraph about how she felt by becoming part of this project: Lightning's Interview.
We've started 2016 on fire! Will Nicolas Ghesquière, creative director of LV, has more surprises for this year?