07 febrero 2018

Why Not? | Rare Beauties 2.0

Cuando se habla de modelos, todos tenemos una imagen prediseñada en nuestras mentes de cómo son, y todos nos imaginamos a una Alessandra Ambrosio, a una Gigi Hadid o a un Jon Kortajarena. En resumidas cuentas, a alguien que describiríamos como ''guapo'' o ''guapa''. Pero qué significan exactamente esos adjetivos. Todos sabemos que hoy en día la altura, las medidas y una cara bonita no lo son todo. Es ahí cuando surgen new faces que se convierten en auténticas musas para los diseñadores. De algunas de estas bellezas ''raras'' (llamémoslo así) ya os he hablado anteriormente, como es el caso de Winnie Harlow, Alex Minsky o Shaun Ross (para saber más haz click AQUÍ). En este post quiero que conozcáis a más modelos, muy demandados en el mundo de la moda, y que no se corresponden en absoluto con los cánones de belleza de hoy en día.
When someone talks about models, all of us have some kind of pre-established idea in our minds of how them look like, and we can't help thinking about in Alessandra Ambrosio, Gigi Hadid or Jon Kortajarena. Basically, a model considered to be ''beautiful'' or ''handsome''. But, what do those adjectives really mean? Everybody knows that, nowadays, the height, some specific measures or a pretty face do not mean anything. It's at this point when new faces show up thus becoming in muses to some designers. I've already introduced you to some of these rare beauties (let's call it that way), for example Winnie Harlow, Alex Minsky or Shaun Ross (more into HERE). In this post I want you to know more of these models, highly demanded within the fashion industry and who don't belong at all with nowadays beauty standards.

Lindsey Wixson
11 abril 1994, Wichita, Kansas (EEUU)
Cuando era pequeña quería ser chef o abogado. Sufrió bullying por su ''boquita de piñón'' y sus dientes separados (herencia de su padre). Apoyada siempre por sus padres, pidieron préstamos para mudarse a Los Angeles, donde firmó para Vision Models en 2009. Con 15 años, Steven Meisel la contrató para Vogue Italia (su primer trabajo) después de ver un vídeo suyo en models.com. Sin duda, 2011 ha sido su despegue hacia el estrellato en el mundo de la moda. Ha trabajado para Cynthia Steffe, Prada, Miu Miu, Versace, Alexander McQueen, Mulberry y Chanel, entre otros. Actualmente se ha visto obligada a retirarse de las pasarelas debido a una lesión en un tendón del pie que podría empeorar si continúa desfilando.
Lindsey Wilson
April 11th, 1994, Wichita (Kansas, USA)
When she was little she wanted to be a chef or a lawyer. She suffered from bullying due to the shape of her mouth and teeth (which she inherited from her dad). She was always supported by her parents, they even asked for loans to move to Los Angeles, where Lindsey got a contract with Vision Models in 2009. When she was 15, Steven Meisel hired her for Vogue Italy (her first job as a model) after watching her in a video at models.com. There's no doubt that 2011was definitely her year. She's worked for Cynthia Steffe, Prada, Miu Miu, Versace, Alexander McQueen, Mulberry and Chanel, among others. Currently, she's retired from the industry due to an injury in her foot, which could get worse if she keeps on doing fashion shows.

Casey Legler
26 abril 1977, Fréjus, Var (Francia)
Compitió en las Olimpíadas de Verano de 1996 como nadadora (no le gustaba, pero se le daba muy bien). Estudió Arquitectura, consiguió una beca para estudiar Derecho y comenzó a estudiar Medicina antes de mudarse a Nueva York para dedicarse a su carrera artística, por lo que su salto al mundo de la moda ha sido tardío. Fue la primera mujer en conseguir un contrato en la sección masculina de Ford ModelsCasi todas las campañas para las que ha participado han sido masculinas. No se define como modelo andrógina y solo realiza trabajos con los que se sienta a gusto e identificada.
Casey Legler
April 26th, 1977, Fréjus (Var, France)
She competed at the Summer Olympics in 1996 as a swimmer (she didn't like it, but she was really good at it). She studied the degree in Arquitecture, she got a scholarship to study Law and she began to study Medicine before moving to New York to focus on her artistic career, so her first steps into the fashion industry were quite late. She was the first woman who got a contract within the male section at Ford Models. Almost all the campaigns she's worked for have been males. She doesn't define herself as an androgynous model and she only accepts jobs which make her feel comfortable and identified with.

Rick Genest
7 agosto 1985, Montreal (Canadá)
Le extirparon un tumor cerebral con 15 años. Su primer tatuaje se lo hizo con 16, y un año más tarde se fugó de su casa. En 2009 tuvo un papel muy pequeño en la película Cirque du Freak: The vampire's assistant, lo que le sirvió para que se abriera una fan page en Facebook por sus tatuajes y gracias a la cual, en 2011, el director de moda de Lady Gaga, Nicola Formichetti, lo descubriera. En 2011 también desfiló para Thierry Mugler, del cual Formichetti también era director creativo. Apareció en Vogue Homme Japan, vestido de Mugler por Formichetti y fotografiado por Mariano Vivanco. Posee dos record Guinness: uno al mayor número de insectos tatuados y otro al mayor número de huesos humanos tatuados.
Rick Genest
August 7th, 1985, Montreal (Canada)
When he was 15, he went through a surgical procedure in order to get a brain tumor removed. His got his first tattoo when he was 16 and, the next year he run away from home. In 2009 he had a small part in the movie Cirque du Freak: The vampire's assistant. Thanks to that, a fan page was opened in Facebook entitled to his tattoo. The repercussion on this page led Nicola Formichetti, Lady Gaga's fashion director, to discover him in 2011. In the same year he did a fashion show for Thierry Mugler, as Formichetti was also the creative director. He appeared in Vogue Homme Japan, dressed by Formichetti with Mugler's clothes and photographed by Mariano Vivanco. He owns two Guinness records as he has the largest amount of insects and also bones tattoed all over his body.

Melanie Gaydos
29 años, Connecticut (EEUU)
Tiene una mutación genética única conocida como displasia ectodérmica, que le afecta a los dientes, el pelo, la piel y las uñas. No tuvo amigos durante su infancia y adolescencia. Debido a la falta de pelo, en el colegio le llamaban Piolín. Empezó en el mundo de la moda gracias a Craigslist, posando para fotógrafos que buscaban rostros diferentes que retratar, consiguiendo así protagonizar uno de los videoclips de la banda alemana Rammstein. Desfiló en 2015 por primera vez en la Semana de la Moda de Nueva YorkNo ha querido implantarse dientes ni pelo. Afirma que se siente a gusto tal y como es.
Melanie Gaydos
She's currently 29, Connecticut (USA)
She suffers from a rare genetic mutation known as ectodermal dysplasia, by which her teeth, hair, skin and nails are being affected. It was hard for to make friends during her childhood and adolescence. She was called Tweety at school due to the lack of hair. She began into the fashion industry thanks to Craigslist, posing for photographers who were looking for unusual faces. She played a main role at one of the official videos of the German band Rammstein. In 2015 she was seen for the first time walking the runway of the New York Fashion Week. She doesn't think of getting hair or teeth implants. She assures she's happy the way she is.

Masha Tyelna
28 diciembre de 1990, Ucrania
Debido al tamaño y a la separación de sus ojos, se la conoce como la mujer pez. Debutó encima de una pasarela por primera vez en 2007, y ya desfilado para firmas como Givenchy, Dries van Noten e Yves Saint Laurent, entre otras. Ha protagonizado portadas para Vogue y Harper's Bazaar.
Masha Tyelna
December 28th, 1990, Ukraine
Due to the size and the considerable gap between her eyes, she's gained considerable attention in the industry. Her first time on a fashion show was in 2007 and she's worked for Givenchy, Dries van Noten and Yves Saint Laurent, among others. She's also been in the covers of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.

Lily McMenamy
3 abril 1994, Pensilvania (EEUU)
Se crió en Londres (Reino Unido) y es hija de una de las grandes tops de los 90, Kristen McMenamyDesde pequeña ha estado muy unida al mundo de la moda: ya de bebé, apareció junto a su madre en una editorial para la edición francesa de Glamour y ''desfiló'' en brazos de su madre en un desfile de Chanel. Su debut en las pasarelas fue en 2012 para Yves Saint LaurentTambién ha trabajado par Marc Jacobs, Chanel, United Colors of Benetton, Moschino, Fendi y Balmain, entre otros; y ha protagonizado las portadas de LOVE, Russh, i-D, Zoo Magazine y Purple.
Lily McMenamy
April 3th, Pennsylvania (USA)
She was raised in London (United Kingdom) and she's the daughter of one of the greatest tops of the 90s, Kristen McMenamy. She's deeply connected to the fashion industry since a very young age, as she already posed when she was a baby with her mom for an editorial of the French edition of Glamour. Her first time on the runway was also when she was a baby, on her mom's arms, for Chanel. Her debut on a fashion show was in 2012 for Yves Saint Laurent. She's also worked for Marc Jacobs, Chanel, United Colors of Benetton, Moschino, Fendi and Balmain, among others. She's been in the cover of LOVE, Russh, i-D, Zoo Magazine and Purple.

Lily Cole
19 mayo 1988, Torquay, Devon (Inglaterra)
Un cazatalentos la descubrió a los 14 años, y protagonizó su primera portada para Vogue a los 16. Ha trabajado para Alexander McQueen, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel y Moschino, entre otros. En 2004 fue nombrada como Modelo del Año por los British Fashion Awards, y Vogue París la nombró como una de las 30 mejores modelos de la década de los 2000. En 2007 hizo su debut como actriz.
Lily Cole
May 19th, 1988, Torquay (Devon, England)
She was discovered by a headhunter when she was 14 and she appeared for the first time in the cover of Vogue when she was 16, She's worked for Alexander McQueen, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Chanel and Moschino, among others. In 2004 she won the award Model of the Year at the British Fashion Awards. Vogue Paris named her as one of the best 30 models of the decade of the 2000s. Her debut as an actress was in 2007.


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